The Nightmare Logo Client – Part 2

So, what happened with the nightmare logo client from the last blog? Well, I didn’t really know the answer to that until today. A telling point, however, is the fact that we hadn’t included his projects in our traffic planning session yesterday! So, as my old sergeant...
The Great Branding Disaster

The Great Branding Disaster

The Great Branding Disaster I originally titled this “The Great Logo Disaster” because that is how the story started. However, as the story unfolded (unraveled?) it became clear that the logo was only the starting point for a line of mistakes that ultimately might be...
The logo is dead. Long live the logo!

The logo is dead. Long live the logo!

Logos are dead. It seems this is the required topic for a logo blog. Not that there are all that many REAL logo blogs—most seem to be hung out there as a way to promote ONE site or ONE designer. But, the few that I’ve read that are REAL logo design blogs seem to...